Consistent with the Ventura County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, this section focuses on geologic and seismic hazards in Ventura County, which include the following areas of concern:
- Earthquake Faults
- Seismic Hazards -Liquefaction/Earthquake Induced Landslides
- Landslides
- Soil Erosion
- Expansive Soils
- Seiche
- Subsidence
It is important to note that there are several earthquake faults in the county that have a status of “Active” or “Potentially Active,” according to the California Geological Survey’s Seismic Hazards (Assessment and Mapping) Program. Areas throughout the county are also susceptible to liquefaction, with the most vulnerable locations being along the Santa Clara River and the Oxnard Plain. These areas are described and illustrated on figures in Section 11.1, “Geologic and Seismic Hazards,” of the Background Report.