The General Plan is a living document that must reflect the County’s needs and desires, which evolve over time.
The effectiveness of the General Plan ultimately depends on how the County implements and maintains the
General Plan over its lifetime. State law requires that most actions of local government affecting the physical
environment be consistent with the general plan and sets out guidelines for general plan monitoring, updating,
and amending. This section ensures that the County maintains a high level of attention to the General Plan by
providing for regular review and updating to ensure that County regulations and ordinances are consistent with
the General Plan.
Goal: LU-22
To provide a clear framework for the ongoing administration, maintenance, and implementation of the Ventura County 2040 General Plan.
The County shall conduct a thorough review of the General Plan every five years from the date of final approval, and revise and update as necessary. This review can include the following:
- Modify, add, or delete goals, policies, or programs to reflect notable changes in the county over the previous period;
- Remove or modify programs that have been completed or require additional time;
- Modify or add new goals, policies, or programs to reflect changing needs within the county;
- Modify to reflect applicable changes in state law; and
- Modify as needed to comply with state housing law.