The County of Ventura is a diverse community with people of all backgrounds, lifestyles, family types, and income levels. Many residents also have special housing needs. State law requires the housing element to analyze the needs of specific “special needs” groups, including lower income households, seniors, persons with disabilities, persons with mental illness, large families with children, female-headed households, and people who are experiencing homelessness. Additionally, the County’s Regional Consolidated Plan prioritizes federal funding opportunities to benefit “vulnerable populations,” which includes victims of domestic violence in addition to the special needs groups identified above. This section focuses on goals and policies related to encouraging and supporting the development of housing for special needs groups and vulnerable populations.
Goal: HE-3
Increase special needs housing opportunities and supportive services for lower income households, seniors, persons with disabilities, persons with mental illness, large families with children, female-headed households, and people who are experiencing homelessness.
The County shall give priority in providing housing assistance to those groups with demonstrated special needs, such as lower income households, seniors, persons with disabilities, persons with mental illness, large families with children, female-headed households, victims of domestic violence, and people who are experiencing homelessness.
The County shall continue to apply for funds from the state and federal government to support the construction, preservation, and rehabilitation of housing for eligible lower-income households to assist identified vulnerable populations.
The County shall promote the use of density bonuses and other incentives to facilitate the development of new housing, rental and homeownership opportunities, for lower-income households.
The County shall consider County-owned land, that is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it is was acquired or previously used, for its suitability for lower-income housing and emergency shelters. If suitable, such land shall be made available to public or private non-profit organizations for potential acquisition, permit entitlement and the construction of lower-income housing or an emergency shelter.
The County shall promote housing types for lower-income households that align with the rural and agricultural character, economy, and needs of Ventura County, such as farmworker housing, manufactured housing, mobilehomes and accessory dwelling units.
The County shall process entitlements for affordable housing ministerially where it is identified by state law as “by-right” development and the project meets objective development standards.
The County shall continue to support the Ventura County Continuum of Care to end homelessness within Ventura County in efforts to provide housing, emergency shelter, and social services to homeless persons or those at risk of homelessness.
The County shall support and work actively to identify the housing needs of farmworkers in Ventura County and cooperate with public and private agencies to seek funding to identify and implement strategies leading to the provision of housing for farmworkers.
The County shall support efforts to increase the availability of supportive housing facilities that provide housing and supportive services for individuals with qualifying disabilities.
The County shall encourage housing design that meets the needs of extended, multigenerational, and/or large families (e.g. room additions, accessory dwelling units, and junior accessory dwelling units) to reduce overcrowding and assist in maintaining the affordability of existing housing stock.