As noted in the General Plan introduction, the County developed an integrated approach to addressing climate change in the General Plan by incorporating related policies and programs throughout the General Plan elements, such that the General Plan will also serve as the County’s Climate Action Plan (CAP). The purpose of this Climate Change Appendix is to provide further details regarding the General Plan’s integrated climate action strategy, including a summary of results of key technical analyses used to develop the strategy. Section B.1 of this Appendix includes the components of the County’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction strategy, (GHG Strategy), while Section B.2 of this Appendix documents the County’s vulnerability to climate change and Climate Adaptation strategy.
Note: Information on the County’s 2015 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and GHG Emissions Forecasts is also contained in Appendix D of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the 2040 General Plan, Chapters 2 and 3, and Attachment 2 of the Final EIR for the 2040 General Plan.
Want to learn more about the County’s progress in reducing GHG emissions? View the electronic-CAP.
The eCAP (electronic Climate Action Plan) describes how the County is implementing its Climate Action programs. It summarizes CAP successes and highlights the many ways County operations and broader community actions are reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It is a powerful tool the County has developed to share this important information with the public and climate stakeholders. Click the image below to learn more.