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The Land Use and Community Character Element establishes and describes the pattern and intensity of land use in unincorporated Ventura County and sets forth policies and standards to guide future development. This Element also serves as the primary vehicle for ensuring that new land uses are logically organized and developed in a way that is sustainable and enhances Ventura County’s unique identity.
The Housing Element addresses the existing and projected housing needs of all economic segments of the community. Its polices and programs are designed to ensure that there is adequate land available to accommodate the County’s fair share of population growth.
The Circulation & Transportation Element focuses on providing a balanced transportation network that meets the needs of all users of streets, roads, and highways for safe and convenient travel. This Element also addresses infrastructure needs to ensure the adequate movement of people, goods, and services.
The Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure Element guides the development and delivery of essential public facilities, utilities and services.
The Conservation & Open Space Element guides the conservation, protection, development and use of natural resources, as well as the preservation of cultural and historic resources. The Element addresses a wide range of topics including energy resources, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, and habitat conservation.
The Hazards & Safety Element establishes policies and programs designed to protect the community from risks and hazards, ensure public safety, and reduce the impacts of both human-caused and natural hazards.
The Agriculture Element establishes goals and policies to preserve agricultural lands, minimize conflicts between agricultural and urban land uses, support agricultural innovation, increase food security, promote sustainable farming and ranching, and develop a resilient agricultural sector.
The Water Resources Element includes policies and programs that address water demand, supply and quality in ways that balance the needs of urban, agriculture, and ecosystem uses.
The Economic Vitality Element focuses on developing a resilient economy that promotes economic health, sustainable funding for public services, a thriving business environment, and job retention and growth.
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