The County, as a signatory to a legal entity created under a Joint Powers Authority with neighboring communities, shall continue to serve as an active member of the Clean Power Alliance or similar organization providing local customer access to electricity generated from low carbon renewable energy sources in excess of State requirements.
COS-8.5 Decarbonize Communitywide Electricity Supplies
The County shall work with utility providers to offer residents options to purchase and use renewable energy resources.
COS-5.1 Soil Protection
The County shall strive to protect soil resources from erosion, contamination, and other effects that substantially reduce their value or lead to the creation of hazards.
COS-1.15 Countywide Tree Planting
The County shall establish and support a countywide target for the County, cities in Ventura County, agencies, organizations, businesses, and citizens to plant two million trees throughout the county by 2040.
PFS-9.3 Modern Library Facilities
The County shall ensure that library facilities are designed and renovated to best meet community needs, such as collaborative and flexible work spaces, sufficient public meeting room spaces, or computers and other technological tools.
PFS-9.4 Innovative Library Services
The County shall explore new and expansive approaches to providing and expanding access to library facilities and services, including use of satellite sites, virtual and online services, and self-services.