The County shall improve pedestrian safety at intersections and mid-block locations in Existing Communities through approved features consistent with the California MAnnual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), Highway Design MAnnual, Federal Highway Administration, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and the National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 498 (Application of Pedestrian Crossing Treatments for Streets and Highways).
CTM-3.1 Bicycle Network Strategy and Prioritization
The County shall identify and prioritize components of a bicycle network to increase public access and ridership on bicycle routes.
CTM-3.2 Inclusive Bicycle Network
The County shall develop a bicycle network for all user types and routes across the county.
CTM-3.6 Coordination with Bicycle Wayfinding Plan
The County shall support the Complete Streets effort by, when feasible, constructing bicycle lanes on County maintained roads listed in the Ventura County Transportation Commission Bicycle Wayfinding Plan.
CTM-3.7 Bicycle Trail along Santa Paula Branch Line
The County shall encourage the construction of a bicycle trail along the Santa Paula Branch Line Railroad in the unincorporated area between the cities of Ventura and Santa Paula.
CTM-3.8 Bicycle Network Routes and Wayfinding
The County shall use clear and consistent message and placement for on- and off-street regional bikeways and to regional destinations.