Discretionary development projects that will generate construction-related air emissions shall be required by the County to incorporate best management practices (BMPs) to reduce emissions. These BMPs shall include the measures recommended by VCAPCD in its Air Quality Assessment Guidelines or otherwise to the extent applicable to the project.
HAZ-10.14 Fugitive Dust Best Management Practices
The County shall ensure that discretionary development which will generate fugitive dust emissions during construction activities will incorporate appropriate BMPs to reduce emissions to be less than applicable thresholds.
HAZ-10.15 Health Risk Assessments for Sensitive Land Uses Near Heavily Traveled Transportation Corridors
The County shall require discretionary development for land uses that include sensitive receptors be located at least 1,000 feet from any road with traffic volumes that exceed 50,000 vehicles per day. New sensitive receptor structures can be located within 1,000 feet from a new or existing road with traffic volumes that exceed 50,000 vehicles per day only if a project applicant first prepares a qualified, site-specific health risk assessment (HRA). The HRA shall be conducted in accordance with guidance from VCAPCD and approved by VCAPCD. If the HRA determines that a nearby sensitive receptor would be exposed to an incremental increase in cancer risk greater than 10 in 1 million, then design measures shall be incorporated to reduce the level of risk exposure to less than 10 in 1 million. No further action shall be required if an HRA demonstrates that the level of cancer risk would be less than 10 in 1 million. Project design features that may be considered in the HRA may include, but are not limited to: installing air intakes furthest away from the heavily traveled transportation corridor; installing air filtration (as part of mechanical ventilation systems or stand-alone air cleaner); using air filtration devices rated MERV-13 or higher; requiring ongoing maintenance plans for building HVAC air filtration systems; limiting window openings and window heights on building sides facing the heavily traveled transportation corridor; or permanently sealing windows so they don’t open on the side of the building facing the heavily traveled transportation corridor; and installing vegetative barriers, considering height and cover thickness, to create a natural buffer between sensitive receptors and the emissions source. For purposes of this policy, “sensitive receptors” means populations or uses that are more susceptible to the effects of air pollution than the general population such as long-term health care facilities, rehabilitation centers, retirement homes, convalescent homes, residences, schools, childcare centers, and playgrounds.
HAZ-11.7 Green Building Design Features
The County shall encourage development to include new building designs or retrofits to improve building performance through strategic building design features, including to reduce energy usage, solar-reflective white roofs, solar panels, green roofs (vegetation on roofs), and battery storage for energy.
HAZ-11.9 Urban Greening
The County shall promote the use of urban greening techniques, such as cool pavement technology, parking lot shading, landscaping, and other methods to offset climate change impacts and reduce greenhouse gas emissions for discretionary development and Countyinitiated projects.
HAZ-11.10 Solar Photovoltaic Carports
The County shall promote the use of solar photovoltaic carports for discretionary development and County-initiated projects.