The County shall maintain and implement a Land Use Diagram for purposes of describing the types of allowed land uses by geographic location and the density and/or intensity of allowed uses within each designation.
The goals and locational descriptions set forth in this Element are general guidelines for determining whether land should be within a particular land use designation depicted on the General Plan Land Use Diagram (Figures 2-4 and 2-5). The land use designation applied to a specific parcel of land shall be as designated on the General Land Use Diagram, whether or not such parcel meets all of the applicable criteria.
The General Plan Land Use Diagram covers the mainland areas of the county. The following designations apply to Anacapa and San Nicholas islands and are incorporated into the Land Use Diagram by reference.
- Anacapa Island is designated “OS” as Open Space
- San Nicholas Island is designated “P” as State, Federal, Other Public Lands
It is common for the County to update the Land Use and Circulation Diagrams over time. Please check with the Planning Division of the Ventura County Resource Management Agency to ensure you have the current version.