The County shall require that the smallest minimum lot area consistent with the Rural land use designation is two acres. The County may require larger minimum lot areas based on the parcel’s Non-Costal Zoning Ordinance zoning classification.
LU-7.3 Maximum Building Lot Coverage Nonconforming Lots – Rural Land Use Designation
The County shall require that the maximum building lot coverage for lots of less than one acre (nonconforming) in area shall be as specified for the Rural designation, or 2,500 square feet plus 1 square foot for each 4.596 square feet of lot area over 5,000 square feet, whichever is greater.
LU-8.2 Land Uses Appropriate for the Agricultural Land Use Designation
The County shall ensure that land designated as Agricultural is used for the production of food, fiber, and ornamentals; animal husbandry and care; uses accessory to agriculture; and limited temporary or public uses which are consistent with agricultural or agriculturally related uses.
LU-8.3 Minimum Lot Area for the Agricultural Land Use Designation
The County shall ensure that the smallest minimum lot area consistent with the Agricultural land use designation is 40 acres. The County may require larger minimum lot areas based on the zone classification.
LU-8.4 Maximum Building Lot Coverage Nonconforming Lots – Agricultural Land Use Designation
The County shall ensure that the maximum building lot coverage of lots of less than 10 acres (nonconforming) in area shall be as specified for the Agricultural designation, or 2,500 square feet plus 1 square foot for each 22.334 square feet of lot area over 5,000 square feet, whichever is greater. Greater building lot coverage may be allowed under discretionary permits for Farmworker Housing Complexes and existing uses/structures listed in the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance under the heading of “Crop and Orchard Production”.
LU-8.5 Farmworker Housing
The County shall support the development of safe and quality farmworker housing that facilitates a reliable labor force and promotes efficient agricultural operations. Housing units shall include a variety of housing types, including group quarters and larger dwelling units that can accommodate a family.