The County shall ensure that the smallest minimum parcel size consistent with the Open Space land use category is 10 acres. The County may require larger minimum parcel sizes based on the zone classification.
LU-9.4 Minimal Parcel Size for the Open Space Contiguous with Agricultural
The County shall require Open Space properties contiguous with Agricultural designated land to have a minimal parcel size of 20 acres.
LU-9.8 Maximum Lot Coverage Nonconforming Lots – Open Space Land Use Designation
The County shall ensure that the maximum lot coverage of lots of less than 10 acres (nonconforming) in area shall be as specified for the Open Space designation, or 2,500 square feet plus 1 square foot for each 22.334 square feet of lot area over 5,000 square feet, whichever is greater. Greater building coverage may be allowed under discretionary permits for Farmworker Housing Complexes and existing uses/structures listed in the Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance under the heading of “Crop and Orchard Production”.
LU-9.9 Open Space Land Use Designation Interpretations
The County shall ensure that Open Space Interpretations granted prior to May 17, 1983 permitting parcel sizes less than those specified in the General Plan shall be considered conforming to the General Plan. Zoning which is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Open Space Interpretations shall be considered conforming to the General Plan.
LU-1.1 Guidelines for Orderly Development
The County shall continue to promote orderly and compact development by:
- working with cities in Ventura County and the Ventura Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to promote and maintain reasonable city boundaries and Spheres of Influence to prevent growth-inducing urban development in unincorporated areas, and
- require unincorporated urban development to be located in areas designated as Existing Communities and unincorporated urban centers consistent with the Guidelines for Orderly Development and as defined in Policy LU-1.2.
LU-1.2 Area Designations
For purposes of planning within the county and as used in this General Plan, the County establishes the following area designations:
- Urban. Figure 2-1 indicates the boundary of the Urban area designation. All areas inside these boundaries are considered within the Urban area designation for purposes of this General Plan and implementation of the Guidelines for Orderly Development and Save Open Space & Agricultural Resources (SOAR). See Goal LU-2 and associated policies for further information on this designation.
- Existing Community. Figure 2-1 indicates the boundary of the Existing Community area designation. All areas inside these boundaries are considered within the Existing Community area designation for purposes of this General Plan and implementation of the Guidelines for Orderly Development and Save Open Space & Agricultural Resources (SOAR). See Goal LU-3 and associated policies for further information on this designation.
- Area Plans. Area Plans are an integral part of the County’s General Plan, providing the basis for future land use development in specifically defined areas. These plans govern the distribution, general location, and extent of uses of the land for housing, business, industry, open space, agriculture, and public facilities. In the General Plan, the Area Plan designation defines the boundary for the specific geographic areas of the county that are covered by an adopted Area Plan. Area Plans shall be consistent with the General Land Use Diagram, although the Area Plans may be more specific. Figure 2-2 indicates the areas covered by the Area Plans in the county.
- An Area of Interest is part of a plan adopted by Ventura Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) which divides the county into major geographic areas that are reflective of community and planning identity. Within each Area of Interest there should be no more than one city or unincorporated urban center, but there will not necessarily be a city or unincorporated urban center in each Area of Interest. Figure 2-3 shows the Area of Interest boundaries for the county.
- An Unincorporated Urban Center is an existing or planned community which is located in an Area of Interest where no city exists. The unincorporated urban center represents the focal center for community and planning activities within the Area of Interest. For example, the Community of Piru represents the focal center in the Piru Area of Interest.
- A Sphere of Influence, as used in this General Plan, is an area determined by the Ventura Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) to represent the “probable” ultimate boundary of a city. LAFCO also recognizes Spheres of Influence for special districts, which are not discussed in this Element. The adoption of Spheres of Influence is required by Government Code Section 56425.