The County shall require all new water wells located within Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) boundaries to be compliant with GSAs and adopted Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs).
WR-4.9 New Water Wells in the Oxnard Plain Pressure Basin
The County shall prohibit new water wells in the Oxnard Plain Pressure Basin if they would increase seawater intrusion in the Oxnard or Mugu aquifers.
AG-5.4 Alternative Irrigation Techniques
The County shall encourage farmers to continue and enhance the water-saving irrigation techniques designed to reduce water consumption.
WR-1.2 Watershed Planning
The County shall consider the location of a discretionary project within a watershed to determine whether or not it could negatively impact a water source. As part of discretionary project review, the County shall also consider local watershed management plans when considering land use development.
WR-1.11 Adequate Water for Discretionary Development
The County shall require all discretionary development to demonstrate an adequate long-term supply of water.
WR-1.12 Water Quality Protection for Discretionary Development
The County shall evaluate the potential for discretionary development to cause deposition and discharge of sediment, debris, waste and other pollutants into surface runoff, drainage systems, surface water bodies, and groundwater. The County shall require discretionary development to minimize potential deposition and discharge through point source controls, storm water treatment, runoff reduction measures, best management practices, and low impact development.