The County shall facilitate the creation of a variety of housing types that meet the needs of all residents.
LU-11.1 Location
The County shall encourage mixed-use, commercial, and industrial development be located within cities, existing unincorporated urban centers, or designated Existing Communities where necessary public facilities and services can be provided to serve such development.
LU-11.2 Applications Within Sphere of Influence
The County shall direct all applicants for commercial and industrial discretionary development located within a city’s Sphere of Influence to that city for possible annexation and processing.
LU-11.3 Design
The County shall require new commercial and industrial developments to be designed to be generally compact, grouped and consolidated into functional units providing for sufficient offstreet parking and loading facilities, maximize pedestrian and vehicle safety, reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT), encourage electric vehicle charging, and minimize the land use conflicts and traffic congestion. The County shall require that commercial and industrial discretionary development is designed to provide adequate buffering (e.g., walls, landscaping, setbacks) and operational conditions (e.g., hours of operation, and scheduling of deliveries) to minimize adverse impacts (e.g., noise, glare, and odors) on adjoining and adjacent residential areas.
LU-11.4 Sustainable Technologies
The County shall encourage discretionary development on commercial- and industrialdesignated land to incorporate sustainable technologies, including energy- and water-efficient practices and low- or zero-carbon practices.
LU-11.5 Mixed-Use Development
The County shall require discretionary development on land designated mixed-use be developed under a single plan that details the full buildout of the development and any associated phasing for construction and includes specific design guidelines and standards that address the overall site design, scale of development, relationship to adjacent uses, circulation and parking, architecture, infrastructure, and landscaping.