The County shall encourage mixed-use developments to include live-work floor plans for residents who desire office, commercial, or studio space adjacent to their living space.
LU-11.7 Density Exceptions – Mixed Use Land Use Designation
The County shall exclude from the Mixed Use land use maximum density farmworker dwellings and accessory dwelling units pursuant to section 65852.2 of the Government Code
LU-11.8 Location of Retails Sales and Service Type Commercial and Office Facilities
The County shall encourage retail sales and service type commercial and office facilities to locate in shopping centers, established commercial areas, or planned mixed-use districts.
LU-11.9 Alternative Energy and Alternative Fuel Production
The County shall allow the production of alternative energy and alternative fuels on land within the Industrial designation to reduce the reliance on petroleum-based fuel and greenhouse gas emissions.
LU-12.1 Repealed
LU-13.2 Process for Changing the State, Federal, Other Public Lands Land Use Designation
When land designated as State, Federal, Other Public Lands is transferred to a private party or another public entity, the County shall require that the land be re-designated to an appropriate land use designation through the General Plan amendment process.