Within designated disadvantaged communities, the County shall consider environmental justice issues as they relate to potential health impacts associated with land use decisions to reduce the adverse health effects of hazardous materials, industrial activities, and other uses that may negatively impact health or quality of life for affected county residents.
LU-17.3 Environmental Protection
The County shall apply environmental protection measures equally among geographic and socioeconomic sectors within designated disadvantaged communities of the county.
LU-17.4 New Incompatible Land Uses
The County shall not approve new discretionary projects within or in the immediate vicinity of existing residential areas, especially designated disadvantaged communities, introducing a new incompatible land use that could have substantial adverse health impacts on an area’s residents.
LU-10.1 Accessory Dwelling Units
The County shall permit accessory dwelling units as provided for in the Non-Coastal and Coastal Zoning Ordinances.
LU-10.2 Density Exceptions – Residential Land Use Designation
The County shall exclude from the Residential land use maximum density farmworker dwellings, and accessory dwelling units pursuant to section 65852.2 of the Government Code .
LU-10.3 Maximum Building Lot Coverage Nonconforming Lots – Residential Land Use Designations
The County shall ensure that the maximum building lot coverage for lots of less than one acre (nonconforming) in area shall be as specified for the Residential designation, or 2,500 square feet plus 1 square foot for each 4.596 square feet of lot area over 5,000 square feet, whichever is greater.