The County shall encourage discretionary commercial development to promote ease of pedestrian/bicycle access to encourage walk-in business, while providing sufficient off-street parking.
LU-16.6 Strip Commercial Development Concerns
The County shall discourage the development of new or expansion of existing strip commercial development.
LU-16.7 Parking Location
The County shall encourage discretionary development to locate central gateways and building entrances in areas that are visible from the street to contribute to an active commercial center and locate parking in areas that are less visible from the street.
LU-16.8 Residential Design that Complements the Natural Environment
The County shall encourage discretionary development that incorporates design features that provide a harmonious relationship between adjoining uses and the natural environment.
LU-16.9 Building Orientation and Landscaping
The County shall encourage discretionary development to be oriented and landscaped to enhance natural lighting, solar access, and passive heating or cooling opportunities to maximize energy efficiency.
LU-16.10 Visual Access for Rural Development
The County shall encourage discretionary development in rural areas to maintain views of hillsides, beaches, forests, creeks, and other distinctive natural areas through building orientation, height, and bulk.