The County shall encourage the development of neighborhood configurations that preserve the natural features of the site and minimize the requirements for grading.
LU-15.9 Area Plan Impacts on Jobs/Housing Balance
The County shall require that as Area Plans are prepared or updated, planned industrial and commercial areas shall be evaluated to assess the impact on jobs/housing balance within the community and region.
LU-16.1 Community Character and Quality of Life
The County shall encourage discretionary development to be designed to maintain the distinctive character of unincorporated communities, to ensure adequate provision of public facilities and services, and to be compatible with neighboring uses.
LU-16.2 Urban Design Standards for Commercial and Industrial Development
The County shall require that discretionary commercial and industrial developments maintain high standards of urban design and environmental quality by incorporating compact form, maximizing pedestrian access and safety, and minimizing land use conflicts and traffic congestion.
LU-16.3 Mixed Use Development
The County shall support compatible, mixed-land use development in areas designated as Area Plans and Existing Communities, where these plans include this type of use.
LU-16.4 Live/Work Spaces
In Area Plans and Existing Communities, the County shall encourage the development of flexible live-work spaces for residents who desire office, commercial, or studio space adjacent to their living space, where these plans include this type of use.