The County shall maintain LOS standards for use as part of the County’s transportation planning including the traffic impact mitigation fee program, and the County’s review and consideration of proposed land use legislation and discretionary development. For purposes of County transportation planning and review and consideration of proposed land use legislation and discretionary development, the County shall use the following minimum acceptable Level of Service (LOS) for road segment and intersection design standards within the Regional Road Network and all other County-maintained roadways:
a. LOS-‘C’ for all Federal functional classification of Minor Collector (MNC) and Local roadways (L); and
b. LOS-‘D’ for all Federal functional classifications except MNC and L, and Federal and State highways in the unincorporated area, except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (c and d;
c. LOS-‘E’ for State Route 33 between the northerly end of the Ojai Freeway and the city of Ojai, Santa Rosa Road, Moorpark Road north of Santa Rosa Road, State Route 34 north of the city of Camarillo, and State Route 118 between Santa Clara Avenue and the city of Moorpark;
d. LOS ‘F’ for Wendy Drive between Borchard Drive to Lois Avenue; and
e. The LOS prescribed by the applicable city for all federal highways, state highways, city thoroughfares and city-maintained local roads located within that city, if the city has formally adopted and is implementing a General Plan policy, ordinance, or a reciprocal agreement with the County regarding development in the city that is intended to improve the LOS of County-maintained local roads and federal and state highways located within the unincorporated area of the county.
f. At any intersection between two or more roads, each of which has a prescribed minimum acceptable LOS, the lower LOS of the roads shall be the minimum acceptable LOS for that intersection.