The County shall establish land use patterns that promote shorter travel distances between residences, employment centers, and retail and service-oriented uses to support the use of public transportation, walking, bicycling, and other forms of transportation that reduce reliance on single-passenger automobile trips.
CTM-2.18 Complete Streets Standards in Existing Communities
The County shall require discretionary development in designated Existing Communities to construct roadways to urban standards and Complete Streets principles, including curb, gutter, sidewalks, and bike lanes when there is a nexus for improvement. The County shall rely on the guidelines and design standards for Complete Streets design established by the California MAnnual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), Caltrans in the Highway Design MAnnual, and Complete Streets Guidelines (pursuant to Deputy Directive-64-R2), Federal Highway Administration, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
CTM-2.19 Safety Metrics
The County shall continue to examine and update safety metrics for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) impact analysis as appropriate. Options include but are not limited to: queue spill-back at intersections; mid-block unprotected crossings; and, increased crossing distances.
LU-22.3 Taking of Property Without Just Compensation
Notwithstanding any policy or provision of the General Plan, the Board of Supervisors, based on the advice of the County Counsel and upon making a finding that the application of a policy or provision of the General Plan will effect an unconstitutional taking of property without just compensation, may take any action or approve any project to the extent necessary to avoid such an unconstitutional taking. This provision does not apply to any General Plan amendment, including but not limited to any property land use re-designation, that is subject to the County of Ventura Save Open-Space and Agricultural Resources initiative measure – 2050 (Appendix C).
CTM-1.1 Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Standards and CEQA Evaluation
The County shall require evaluation of County General Plan land use designation changes, zone changes, and discretionary development for their individual (i.e., project-specific) and cumulative transportation impacts based on Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to the methodology and thresholds of significance criteria set forth in the County Initial Study Assessment Guidelines.
CTM-1.2 Projects with Significant Transportation Impacts
County General Plan land use designation changes, zone changes, and discretionary development that would cause an individual (i.e., project-specific) or cumulative significant transportation impact based on Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) shall be prohibited unless:
- There are no feasible mitigation measures available that would reduce the impact to a less than significant level; and
- The County’s decision-making body, after balancing, as applicable, the economic, legal, social, technological, or other benefits, including region-wide or statewide environmental benefits, of the project against its unavoidable transportation impact and any other environmental risks, determines that the benefits of the project outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental impacts and adopt a statement of overriding considerations pursuant CEQA.