The County shall require that discretionary development be subject to permit conditions of approval, where feasible, to minimize traffic impacts by incorporating pedestrian and bicycle pathways, bicycle racks and lockers, ridesharing programs, transit improvements (bus turnouts, shelters, benches), and/or transit subsidies for employees or residents of the proposed development.
CTM-2.28 Emergency Access
The County shall ensure that all new discretionary projects are fully evaluated for potential impacts to emergency access. Mitigation of these impacts shall be handled on a project-byproject basis to guarantee continued emergency service operations and service levels.
CTM-2.29 Railroad Safety Assessment
The County shall require that all new discretionary development is evaluated for potential impacts to existing railroad facilities and operations and identify appropriate mitigation measures, as warranted therein.
CTM-3.10 Bicycle Storage Facilities
The County shall require adequate bicycle storage facilities (e.g., bicycle racks, lockers) for discretionary development as determined by allowable land uses at a given site.
CTM-2.3 County Road Access
The County shall require discretionary development with access onto a County road to have the access point(s) designed and built to County standards.
CTM-2.4 Transportation System Safety
The County shall strive to provide safe operating conditions for all appropriate modes and uses of County roadways.