Discretionary development that would endanger the efficient, safe operation of an airport or would result in significant land use incompatibility impact with an airport shall be prohibited.
CTM-6.3 Permeable Pavement
As part of new roadway planning and design as part of discretionary development, the County shall promote the use of permeable paving and other passive drainage features such as bioswales to prevent flooding, particularly in urban areas
CTM-6.5 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
The County shall support the installation of electric vehicle charging stations, where feasible, at County facilities, parking lots, park-and-ride lots, truck stops, and new development.
CTM-6.8 Micro-Mobility Operations
The County shall evaluate the feasibility and work to establish requirements for shared micromobility (e.g., bike sharing) vendors within unincorporated areas.
CTM-6.9 Mobility-as-a-Service Enterprises – Vehicle Operations
The County shall encourage Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) providers to park between service calls versus driving within unincorporated communities
CTM-2.20 Safe Pedestrian Crossings
The County shall improve pedestrian safety at intersections and mid-block locations in Existing Communities through approved features consistent with the California MAnnual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), Highway Design MAnnual, Federal Highway Administration, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and the National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 498 (Application of Pedestrian Crossing Treatments for Streets and Highways).