Within a city’s Sphere of Influence, annexation to that city is preferable to formation of new or expansion of existing County Service Areas.
PFS-1.9 Requirements Inside City Spheres of Influence
County shall only approve a discretionary development within a city’s Sphere of Influence if the required public facilities and infrastructure meets or exceeds those required by the associated city.
PFS-2.7 Department of Defense Siting Clearinghouse Coordination
When processing commercial renewable energy development applications, the County shall comply with Department of Defense Siting Clearinghouse requirements and standards published in Title 32, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 211.
CTM-5.1 Airport Effects
The County shall strive to minimize adverse environmental and safety effects of County airports on the surrounding communities.
CTM-5.3 Private Airstrips and Agricultural Landing Fields
The County shall require private airstrips and agricultural landing fields to be sited to minimize conflicts with the flight paths of existing airports and other areas that would present significant hazards or nuisances.
CTM-5.4 Air Freight Service
The County shall encourage industrial and commercial activities that involve goods movement by air to locate near airports with air freight service to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.