The County shall work with water suppliers, water users, groundwater management agencies, and groundwater sustainability agencies to implement the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and manage groundwater resources within the sustainable yield of each basin to ensure that county residents, businesses, agriculture, government, and the environment have reliable, high-quality groundwater to serve existing and planned land uses during prolonged drought years.
WR-4.2 Important Groundwater Recharge Area Protection
In areas identified as important recharge areas by the County or the applicable Groundwater Sustainability Agency, the County shall condition discretionary development to limit impervious surfaces where feasible and shall require mitigation in cases where there is the potential for discharge of harmful pollutants within important groundwater recharge areas.
WR-4.3 Groundwater Recharge Projects
The County shall support groundwater recharge and multi-benefit projects consistent with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act and the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan to ensure the long-term sustainability of groundwater.
WR-4.4 In-Stream and Recycled Water Use for Groundwater Recharge
The County shall encourage the use of in-stream water flow and recycled water for groundwater recharge while balancing the needs of urban and agricultural uses, and healthy ecosystems, including in-stream waterflows needed for endangered species protection.
WR-4.5 Discretionary Development Subject to CEQA Statement of Overriding Considerations – Water Quantity and Quality
The County shall require that discretionary development shall not significantly impact the quantity or quality of water resources within watersheds, groundwater recharge areas or groundwater basins.
WR-4.7 Discretionary Development and Conditions of Approval – Oil, Gas, and Water Wells
The County shall require that discretionary development be subject to conditions of approval requiring proper drilling and construction of new oil, gas, and water wells and removal and plugging of all abandoned wells on-site.