The County shall require that discretionary development adjacent to existing and proposed waste treatment, transfer, and disposal sites, as identified in the Countywide Integrated Waste Management Plan, shall not conflict with the current and anticipated future use of these waste facilities.
PFS-5.8 Waste Treatment and Disposal Operations
The County shall require sites used for waste treatment and disposal operations to be restored to a use compatible with surrounding uses upon conclusion of the operation.
PFS-5.9 Waste Reduction Practices for Discretionary Development
The County shall encourage applicants for discretionary development to employ practices that reduce the quantities of wastes generated and engage in recycling activities to further reduce the volume of waste disposed of in landfills.
PFS-6.1 Flood Control and Drainage Facilities Required for Discretionary Development
The County shall require discretionary development to provide flood control and drainage facilities, as deemed necessary by the County Public Works Agency and Watershed Protection District. The County shall also require discretionary development to fund improvements to existing flood control facilities necessitated by or required by the development.
PFS-1.3 Location of New Essential Public Facilities
The County shall review plans for constructing new essential public facilities, such as a hospital, health care facilities, emergency shelters, emergency command centers, or emergency communications facilities, so that these facilities are located outside of at-risk areas whenever feasible. If such a location is infeasible, then the County shall require the use of construction methods and site design features to minimize potential damage to these facilities.
Information on hazards in the county are in Chapter 7, Hazards and Safety Element.
PFS-1.7 Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure Availability
The County shall only approve discretionary development in locations where adequate public facilities, services, and infrastructure are available and functional, under physical construction, or will be available prior to occupancy.