The County shall require that stormwater drainage facilities are properly designed, sited, constructed, and maintained to efficiently capture and convey runoff for flood protection and groundwater recharge.
PFS-7.4 Discretionary Development Utility Service Line Placement
The County shall require discretionary development to place new utility service lines underground if feasible. If undergrounding is determined by the County to be infeasible, then new utility service lines shall be placed in parallel to existing utility rights-of-way, if they exist, or sited to minimize their visual impact.
PFS-3.1 Funding Mechanisms
The County shall pursue and maximize the use of a wide range of funding mechanisms for capital improvements, maintenance, and operations of infrastructure. This shall include use of federal, state, regional, local, and private resources, including development impact fees, assessment districts, and grant funding.
PFS-3.2 Fair Share of Improvement Costs
The County shall require development to pay its fair share of community improvement costs through impact fees, assessment districts, and other mechanisms.
PFS-4.1 Wastewater Connections Requirement
The County shall require development to connect to an existing wastewater collection and treatment facility if such facilities are available to serve the development. An onsite wastewater treatment system shall only be approved in areas where connection to a wastewater collection and treatment facility is deemed unavailable.
PFS-4.2 Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems
The County may allow the use of onsite wastewater treatment systems that meet the state Water Resources Control Board Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Policy, Ventura County Sewer Policy, Ventura County Building Code, and other applicable County standards and requirements.