As part of subdivision development, the County shall encourage developers to set aside unused open space for active and passive recreational uses.
PFS-10.7 Parkland Development, Operation, and Maintenance
The County shall require discretionary projects to provide funding for development, operation, and maintenance of park facilities appropriate to serve the needs of the project.
PFS-10.8 Discretionary Development near Trails
The County shall require discretionary development near existing trails to mitigate or avoid adverse impacts to the existing trail system. Where appropriate, a condition of approval or other means of permanent dedicated trail access shall be provided.
PFS-11.4 Emergency Vehicles Access
The County shall require all discretionary development to provide, and existing development to maintain, adequate access for emergency vehicles, including two points of access for subdivisions and multifamily developments.
PFS-11.8 Avoidance of Surveillance Interference
The County shall condition discretionary development to avoid landscaping which interferes with police surveillance (e.g., landscaping must not cover any exterior door or window, landscaping at entrances and exits or at any parking lot intersection must not block or screen the view of a seated driver from another moving vehicle or pedestrian, trees must not be placed underneath any overhead light fixture which would cause a loss of light at ground level).
PFS-6.2 Multi-Purpose Flood Control Projects
The County shall encourage the integration of design features into flood control projects, when feasible: to address resource conservation and restoration and preservation of natural riparian habitats, to provide groundwater recharge, to enhance water quality, to protect scenic vistas, and to incorporate recreational areas or opportunities.