The County shall consult with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Audubon Society, California Native Plant Society, National Park Service for development in the Santa Monica Mountains or Oak Park Area, and other resource management agencies, as applicable during the review of discretionary development applications to ensure that impacts to biological resources, including rare, threatened, or endangered species, are avoided or minimized.
COS-1.10 Evaluation of Potential Impacts of Discretionary Development on Wetlands
The County shall require discretionary development that is proposed to be located within 300 feet of a wetland to be evaluated by a County-approved biologist for potential impacts on the wetland and its associated habitats pursuant to the applicable provisions of the County’s Initial Study Assessment Guidelines.
COS-1.11 Discretionary Development Sited Near Wetlands
The County shall require discretionary development to be sited 100 feet from wetland habitats, except as provided below. The 100-foot setback may be increased or decreased based upon an evaluation and recommendation by a qualified biologist and approval by the decision-making body based on factors that include, but may not be limited to, soil type, slope stability, drainage patterns, the potential for discharges that may impair water quality, presence or absence of endangered, threatened or rare plants or animals, direct and indirect effects to wildlife movement, and compatibility of the proposed development with use of the wetland habitat area by wildlife. Discretionary development that would have a significant impact on a wetland habitat shall be prohibited unless mitigation measures are approved that would reduce the impact to a less than significant level. Notwithstanding the foregoing, discretionary development that would have a significant impact on a wetland habitat on land within a designated Existing Community may be approved in conjunction with the adoption of a statement of overriding considerations by the decision-making authority.
COS-1.12 Discretionary Development and Landscaping
The County shall require landscaping associated with discretionary development, or subject to the California Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (WELO), to be water-efficient and include native, pollinator-friendly plants consistent with WELO guidelines, as applicable. The planting of invasive and watch list plants as inventoried by the California Invasive Plant Council shall be prohibited, unless planted as a commercial agricultural crop or grown as commercial nursery stock.
PFS-10.4 New Park and Recreational Facility Locations and Park Accessibility
Parks and recreational facilities shall be located and designed to be accessible and inclusive for all users, to the maximum extent feasible.
PFS-10.5 Parkland Dedication Requirement
The County shall require discretionary development to provide new trails and/or parkland dedication, or equivalent in-lieu fees, based on a standard of five acres of local parkland per thousand population in accordance with the Quimby Act (Gov. Code, 66477) and County Quimby Ordinance (contained in Ventura County Subdivision Ordinance). Any lands dedicated to meeting this requirement shall be accessible to the general public.