The County shall balance the development and conservation of mineral resources with economic, health, safety, and social and environmental protection values.
COS-6.4 Mineral Resource Area Protection
Discretionary development within Mineral Resource Zones identified by the California State Geologist shall be subject to the Mineral Resource Protection (MRP) Overlay Zone and is prohibited if the use will significantly hamper or preclude access to or the extraction of mineral resources.
COS-6.5 Mineral Resource Land Use Compatibility
The County shall ensure that discretionary development is compatible with mineral resources extraction and processing if the development is to be located in areas identified on the Mineral Resource Zone Maps prepared by the California State Geologist or in County identified mineral resource areas. The County shall:
- Require an evaluation to ascertain the significance of the mineral resources deposit located in the area of a discretionary development and to determine if the use would significantly hamper or preclude access to or the extraction of mineral resources.
- Require discretionary development proposed to be located adjacent to existing mining operations to provide a buffer between the development and mining operations to minimize land use incompatibility and avoid nuisance complaints.
- Establish a buffer distance based on an evaluation of noise, community character, compatibility, scenic resources, drainage, operating conditions, biological resources, topography, lighting, traffic, operating hours, and air quality.
COS-6.6 In-River Mining
The County shall require discretionary development for in-river mining to incorporate all feasible measures to mitigate water, biological resource, flooding, and erosion impacts.
COS-7.1 Minimum Site Area
The County shall only approve discretionary development for oil and gas development if the area of ground disturbance constitutes the minimum necessary to accomplish the project objectives.
COS-7.2 Oil Well Distance Criteria
The County shall require new discretionary oil wells to be located a minimum of 1,500 feet from residential dwellings and 2,500 from any school.