The County shall encourage the expansion of value-added agricultural products (e.g., processing, packaging, product development) within Existing Communities, where zoning allows, and on agricultural land consistent with SOAR policies.
WR-2.2 Water Quality Protection for Discretionary Development
The County shall evaluate the potential for discretionary development to cause deposition and discharge of sediment, debris, waste, and other contaminants into surface runoff, drainage systems, surface water bodies, and groundwater. In addition, the County shall evaluate the potential for discretionary development to limit or otherwise impair later reuse or reclamation of wastewater or stormwater. The County shall require discretionary development to minimize potential deposition and discharge through point source controls, storm water treatment, runoff reduction measures, best management practices, and low impact development.
WR-2.4 Out-of-River Mining
The County shall require discretionary development for out-of-river mining below the historic or predicted high groundwater level in the Del Norte/El Rio (Oxnard Forebay Basin) to demonstrate that extraction activities will not interfere with or affect water quality and quantity pursuant to the County’s Initial Study Assessment Guidelines.
WR-3.1 Non-Potable Water Use
The County shall encourage the use of non-potable water, such as tertiary treated wastewater and household graywater, for industrial, agricultural, environmental, and landscaping needs consistent with appropriate regulations.
WR-3.2 Water Use Efficiency for Discretionary Development
The County shall require the use of water conservation techniques for discretionary development, as appropriate. Such techniques include low-flow plumbing fixtures in new construction that meet or exceed the California Plumbing Code, use of graywater or reclaimed water for landscaping, retention of stormwater runoff for direct use and/or groundwater recharge, and landscape water efficiency standards that meet or exceed the standards in the California Model Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance.
WR-3.3 Low-Impact Development
The County shall require discretionary development to incorporate low impact development design features and best management practices, including integration of stormwater capture facilities, consistent with County’s Stormwater Permit.