The County shall coordinate and consult with Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) when reviewing applications for commercial alternative energy facilities (e.g., wind, solar, tidal) to ensure the systems do not impact flight or test operations.
HAZ-4.1 Projects in Earthquake Fault Zones
The County shall prohibit new structures for human occupancy and subdivisions that contemplate the eventual construction of structures for human occupancy in Earthquake Fault Zones unless a geologic investigation is performed to delineate any hazard of surface fault rupture and appropriate and sufficient safeguards, based on this investigation, are incorporated into the project design.
HAZ-4.2 Linear Project Intersection with Active Faults
The County shall require that linear projects, including roads, streets, highways, utility conduits, water transmission facilities, and oil and gas pipelines, avoid intersecting active faults to the extent possible. When such locations are unavoidable, the project design shall include measures to minimize the effects of any fault movement.
HAZ-4.3 Structural Design
The County shall require that all structures designed for human occupancy incorporate engineering measures to reduce the risk of and mitigate against collapse from ground shaking.
HAZ-4.4 Discretionary Development Below Rocky Outcrops
The County shall require discretionary development below rocky outcrops to evaluate and mitigate potential rockfall hazards including but not limited to by avoiding placement of structures that could be impacted by rockfall hazards, rock removal, rock anchoring, walls, fence barriers, or other similar systems.
HAZ-4.5 Soil Erosion and Pollution Prevention
The County shall require discretionary development be designed to prevent soil erosion and downstream sedimentation and pollution.