The County shall, as part of the discretionary review process, require that hazardous wastes and hazardous materials be managed in such a way that waste reduction through alternative technology is the first priority, followed by recycling and on-site treatment, with disposal as the last resort.
HAZ-5.7 Presence of Hazardous Wastes
Applicants shall provide a statement indicating the presence of any hazardous wastes on a site, prior to discretionary development. The applicant must demonstrate that the waste site is properly closed, or will be closed, pursuant to all applicable state and federal laws, before the project is inaugurated.
HAZ-5.8 Siting Criteria for Hazardous Waste Generators
The County shall require commercial or industrial uses which generate, store, or handle hazardous waste and/or hazardous materials to locate, operate, and maintain hazardous waste and/or hazardous materials in a manner that does not endanger public health and safety and is located based on objective criteria that do not disproportionally impact Designated Disadvantaged Communities.
HAZ-6.1 Airport Land Use Plan
The County shall regulate land use types, density, and intensity using guidance from the Ventura County Comprehensive Airport Land Use Plan, NBVC-Point Mugu Air Installations Compatible Use Zones (AICUZ) study, State Aeronautics Act, and California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook guidelines.
HAZ-6.2 Airport Safety Zones
The County shall require density and allowed uses within the Airport Safety Zones to be as defined in the Ventura County Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (ACLUP) and the current NBVC-Point Mugu Air Installations Compatible Use Zones (AICUZ) study, as applicable to the project location. The County shall require any overrides of a determination of inconsistency with the ACLUP to be done in accordance with state law.
HAZ-6.3 Airspace Protection
The County shall use the current Ventura County Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (ACLUP) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) airport design standards and Part 77 surfaces to keep the airspace surrounding each airport or airfield free of objects affecting navigable airspace where required by the FAA or shall limit the height of objects as required by the FAA. The County shall also ensure obstruction clearance is provided for all enroute and terminal (airport) instrument procedures as per the United States Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) to avert modifications to any planned or published instrument approach or instrument departure procedures at the affected airport or airfield.