The County shall strive to eliminate “gaps” in roadways, bikeways, and pedestrian networks by planning for and seeking funding to construct necessary improvements to remove barriers and improve transportation system connectivity as well as connections that support first and last mile accessibility to and from public transportation.
LU-22.2 Implementation Program Monitoring
The County shall maintain and annually review the General Plan Implementation Programs before the preparation of the County’s Annual Budget. As part of this process, the County shall update the prioritization of programs based on applicability, relevance, timing of initiation, and availability of funding.
LU-22.1 Five-Year General Plan Review
The County shall conduct a thorough review of the General Plan every five years from the date of final approval, and revise and update as necessary. This review can include the following:
- Modify, add, or delete goals, policies, or programs to reflect notable changes in the county over the previous period;
- Remove or modify programs that have been completed or require additional time;
- Modify or add new goals, policies, or programs to reflect changing needs within the county;
- Modify to reflect applicable changes in state law; and
- Modify as needed to comply with state housing law.
LU-17.5 Placement of New Residential Uses
Within designated disadvantaged communities, the County shall discourage the establishment of new residential and other sensitive land uses near incompatible industrial land uses unless appropriate mitigations or design consideration can be included.
LU-17.1 Providing Equitable Public Services
Within designated disadvantaged communities, the County shall consider environmental justice issues as they relate to the equitable provision of public services and infrastructure such as parks, recreational facilities, community gardens, public safety facilities, and other beneficial uses that improve the overall quality of life.
LU-17.4 New Incompatible Land Uses
The County shall not approve new discretionary projects within or in the immediate vicinity of existing residential areas, especially designated disadvantaged communities, introducing a new incompatible land use that could have substantial adverse health impacts on an area’s residents.