The County shall continue to require development to incorporate design measures that enhance fire protection in areas of high fire risk. This shall include but is not limited to incorporation of fire-resistant structural design, use of fire-resistant landscaping, and fuel modification around the perimeter of structures.
COS-6.2 Significant Mineral Resource Deposits
In accordance with California Code of Regulations Section 3676, the County shall maintain classification and/or designation reports and maps of mineral resources deposits as identified by the California State Geologist as having regional or statewide significance and any additional deposits as may be identified by the County, and as provided by the State Mining and Geology Board. The County shall provide notice to landowners and the general public on the location of significant mineral resource deposits.
COS-1.14 Ecological Information Programs
The County shall support programs that encourage awareness and respect for the natural environment.
PFS-12.1 Collaboration Among Partners
The County shall encourage the Fire Protection District to continue to develop relationships with local, state, and federal agencies and non-profit organizations to collaboratively inform and prepare citizens for wildland fires.
PFS-11.7 Social Support Networks
The County shall support efforts to cultivate social support networks to improve community preparedness, response, and recovery from hazards and disasters to minimize injury and loss of life.
PFS-11.6 Emergency Notifications
The County shall work with the Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services to provide effective and timely emergency notifications to the public in the event of an emergency or disaster.