The County shall continue to designate, promote, and enforce smoke-free environments to reduce toxins in the air and exposure to second-hand smoke.
HAZ-10.8 Alternative Transportation Modes
The County shall promote alternative modes of transportation that reduce single-occupancy vehicle (SOV) travel and enhance “last-mile” transportation options to improve air quality.
HAZ-10.1 Air Pollutant Reduction
The County shall strive to reduce air pollutants from stationary and mobile sources to protect human health and welfare, focusing efforts on shifting patterns and practices that contribute to the areas with the highest pollution exposures and health impacts.
HAZ-5.4 Household Hazardous Waste
The County shall continue to develop and distribute educational materials and conduct educational outreach to inform the public about household hazardous waste and the proper disposal methods.
HAZ-1.6 Wildfire Risk Education
The County shall continue to develop and distribute educational materials and conduct educational outreach activities informing the public about wildfire risk and protection strategies.
HAZ-1.2 Defensible Space Clear Zones
The County shall require adherence to defensible space standards, or vegetation “clear zones,” for all existing and new structures in areas that are designated as Hazardous Fire Areas by the Ventura County Fire Protection District and High Fire Hazard Severity Zones by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.