The County shall encourage developments and street systems that support the use of properly licensed Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV), where appropriate.
CTM-6.2 Autonomous Technology
The County shall continue to consider and assess the implications of autonomous vehicles, alternative energy vehicles, and other transportation technological advancements on mobility planning and infrastructure.
CTM-6.1 Routine Use of Alternative Transportation Options
The County shall support the integration of emerging technologies that increase the routine use of alternative transportation options to decrease single-passenger automobile travel.
CTM-4.1 Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
The County shall work with Caltrans and Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) to reduce VMT by:
- facilitating the efficient use of existing transportation facilities;
- striving to provide viable modal choices that make driving alone an option rather than a necessity,
- supporting variable work schedules to reduce peak period VMT, and
- providing more direct routes for pedestrians and bicyclists.
CTM-2.26 Abandoned Railroad Rights-of-Way
When railroad rights-of-way are abandoned, the County shall evaluate the feasibility of acquiring the land for public use as public transportation, bicycle, pedestrian, or equestrian paths.
CTM-3.2 Inclusive Bicycle Network
The County shall develop a bicycle network for all user types and routes across the county.