The County shall ensure that discretionary development located on land designated as Agricultural on the General Plan Land Use Diagram and identified as Prime Farmland or Farmland of Statewide Importance on the State’s Important Farmland Inventory is planned and designed to remove as little land as possible from potential agricultural production and to minimize impacts on topsoil.
AG-1.1 Agricultural Land Protection and Preservation
The County shall continue to protect and preserve agricultural land by directing growth away from productive agricultural lands into cities, unincorporated urban areas, or existing communities and by supporting the acquisition or voluntary dedication of agriculture conservation easements.
HAZ-12.2 Countywide Hazard Mitigation Planning
The County shall continue to maintain and periodically update the Ventura County Emergency Operations Plan and the Ventura County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan covering hazards in the county.
HAZ-11.3 Limit Impacts of Climate Change on Designated Disadvantaged Communities
The County shall work with public, private, and nonprofit partners to limit impacts of climate change on Designated Disadvantaged Communities by focusing planning efforts and interventions on communities with the highest need and ensuring representatives of these communities have a role in the decision-making process for directing climate change response.
HAZ-10.1 Air Pollutant Reduction
The County shall strive to reduce air pollutants from stationary and mobile sources to protect human health and welfare, focusing efforts on shifting patterns and practices that contribute to the areas with the highest pollution exposures and health impacts.
HAZ-8.3 Military Compatibility and Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Development
The County shall require that new larger-scale commercial renewable energy and energy storage development is consistent with Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) policies and regulations and that Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) and the Department of Defense (DOD) Siting Clearinghouse are included in the development review process.