The County shall proactively focus on retention of existing businesses in key industry clusters. In the unincorporated areas, this would include prioritizing Naval Base Ventura County and agricultural activities.
EV-4.1 Creative Economy
The County shall encourage the expansion of the local creative economy, including arts businesses, creative and performing arts, and non-profit organizations, as well as professional service sectors built around the creative arts.
WR-1.2 Watershed Planning
The County shall consider the location of a discretionary project within a watershed to determine whether or not it could negatively impact a water source. As part of discretionary project review, the County shall also consider local watershed management plans when considering land use development.
AG-5.1 Inorganic Nitrogen Based Fertilizers
The County shall encourage farmers to reduce fertilizer application and transition to products that reduce or avoid nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, such as organic composting and enhanced efficiency fertilizers.
AG-1.4 Land Conservation Act Contracts
The County shall encourage Land Conservation Act (LCA) contracts on irrigated farmlands and Open Space lands.
AG-1.3 Greenbelt Agreements
The County shall preserve agricultural land by retaining and expanding existing Greenbelt Agreements and encouraging the formation of additional Greenbelt Agreements.