Within locations covered by an area plan, where an inconsistency is identified between the General Plan and the Area Plan, the more restrictive of the two shall prevail.
LU-15.2 General Plan and Area Plan Consistency
Area Plans for specific geographic subareas of the County may be adopted as part of the County General Plan. Area Plans shall be consistent with the General Land Use Diagram (Figures 2-4 and 2-5), although the Area Plans may be more specific and provide additional direction and restrictions concerning future development and resource management.
LU-15.1 Area Plan Requirements
When the County comprehensively updates an Area Plan, the County shall ensure that the updated Area Plan includes specific policies and programs that address local issues, and a range of land use designations that accommodate the land uses appropriate to the area and commensurate with public infrastructure and services. Through the Area Plan Update process, the County shall ensure that all principles, goals, objectives, policies, and plan proposals set forth in the area plan are consistent with the County General Plan.
For consistency, the County shall organize the updated Area Plans using the following structure:
- Purpose
- Area Plan Chronology
- Content and Organization
Local Setting
- Overview of Plan Area
- Community History
Area Plan Elements
- Land Use and Community Character
- Circulation, Transportation, and Mobility
- Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure
- Conservation and Open Space
- Hazards and Safety
- Water Resources
LU-13.2 Process for Changing the State, Federal, Other Public Lands Land Use Designation
When land designated as State, Federal, Other Public Lands is transferred to a private party or another public entity, the County shall require that the land be re-designated to an appropriate land use designation through the General Plan amendment process.
LU-13.1 Areas Appropriate for the State, Federal, Other Public Lands Land Use Designation
The County shall include state- or federally-owned lands on which a significant governmental use is located under the State, Federal, Other Public Lands land use designation, and which are under the control of the state or federal government. For state land within the coastal zone, the County has land use authority except for land under the California Coastal Commission’s jurisdiction. All other areas are beyond the land use jurisdiction of the County.
LU-11.5 Mixed-Use Development
The County shall require discretionary development on land designated mixed-use be developed under a single plan that details the full buildout of the development and any associated phasing for construction and includes specific design guidelines and standards that address the overall site design, scale of development, relationship to adjacent uses, circulation and parking, architecture, infrastructure, and landscaping.