The County shall provide sufficient commercially and industrially designated land to meet the employment needs of the community.
LU-15.6 Neighborhood Configurations to Promote a Variety of Lifestyles
The County shall encourage the development of neighborhood configurations that encourage a variety of lifestyles, a central community focus, and distinct identity.
LU-16.3 Mixed Use Development
The County shall support compatible, mixed-land use development in areas designated as Area Plans and Existing Communities, where these plans include this type of use.
LU-17.1 Providing Equitable Public Services
Within designated disadvantaged communities, the County shall consider environmental justice issues as they relate to the equitable provision of public services and infrastructure such as parks, recreational facilities, community gardens, public safety facilities, and other beneficial uses that improve the overall quality of life.
LU-17.3 Environmental Protection
The County shall apply environmental protection measures equally among geographic and socioeconomic sectors within designated disadvantaged communities of the county.
LU-17.4 New Incompatible Land Uses
The County shall not approve new discretionary projects within or in the immediate vicinity of existing residential areas, especially designated disadvantaged communities, introducing a new incompatible land use that could have substantial adverse health impacts on an area’s residents.