The County shall work cooperatively with all cities in the county to enhance consistency among planning processes and to ensure that each jurisdiction’s general plan is compatible with the Ventura County General Plan, the Guidelines for Orderly Development, and adopted greenbelt agreements.
LU-17.7 Brownfield Remediation
Within designated disadvantaged communities, the County shall promote the remediation and reuse of contaminated brownfield sites to spur economic development, expand natural open spaces and parks, community gardens, and other similar health-promoting community revitalization activities.
LU-17.6 Negative Impacts from Potential Hazards
Within designated disadvantaged communities, the County shall work to reduce or prevent negative impacts associated with environmental hazards, including industrial and roadwaygenerated pollution, to people who are living and working in close proximity to these uses.
LU-17.5 Placement of New Residential Uses
Within designated disadvantaged communities, the County shall discourage the establishment of new residential and other sensitive land uses near incompatible industrial land uses unless appropriate mitigations or design consideration can be included.
LU-17.2 Siting of Uses
Within designated disadvantaged communities, the County shall consider environmental justice issues as they relate to potential health impacts associated with land use decisions to reduce the adverse health effects of hazardous materials, industrial activities, and other uses that may negatively impact health or quality of life for affected county residents.
LU-15.4 Complete Communities
The County shall encourage the development of an appropriately-scaled land use mix in each designated Area Plan where these plans include this type of use, and each Existing Community designated area that contributes to an adequate economic base to fund capital improvements, including long-term maintenance, and to meet the daily needs of residents, including grocery stores, local-serving restaurants, community facilities, and civic centers.