The County shall coordinate with cities in the county and Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) to plan and implement a system of bicycle lanes and multi-use trails that link the cities, unincorporated communities, schools including colleges and universities, commercial/retail, employment centers, health care service facilities, public transportation, and other points of interest.
CTM-2.11 Efficient Land Use Patterns
The County shall establish land use patterns that promote shorter travel distances between residences, employment centers, and retail and service-oriented uses to support the use of public transportation, walking, bicycling, and other forms of transportation that reduce reliance on single-passenger automobile trips.
CTM-2.8 Congestion Management Program and County Regional Network Consistency
For those portions of the County’s Regional Road Network currently not designated as part of the Congestion Management Program (CMP), the County shall coordinate with Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) to formally designate applicable County maintained roadways as part of the CMP.
CTM-2.7 Congestion Management Program
The County shall coordinate with Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) to implement and update the Congestion Management Program (CMP). The County shall also encourage consideration of multimodal performance measures as part of future updates to the CMP.
CTM-2.4 Transportation System Safety
The County shall strive to provide safe operating conditions for all appropriate modes and uses of County roadways.
CTM-2.2 Functional Classification
The County shall plan a roadway system that has adequate capacity and is designed to provide reasonable and safe use by vehicles, public transportation, bicycles and pedestrians with minimum delay pursuant to LOS standards described in Policy CMT-1.2. The road system should follow Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) classification as identified on Figure 4-4.