The County shall consider opportunities to partner with affordable housing developers to leverage development or renovation of community library facilities as part of the housing development strategy.
PFS-7.8 Minimized Disruption of Natural Vegetation
The County shall encourage location and construction of all transmission lines in a manner which minimizes disruption of natural vegetation and agricultural activities and avoids unnecessary grading of slopes when not in conflict with the rules and regulations of the California Public Utilities Commission.
PFS-7.1 Accessible Public Utilities
The County shall work with utility companies and service providers to ensure that gas, electric, broadband, cellular mobile communications, cable television, and telephone utility transmission lines are located appropriately to provide for adequate services throughout the unincorporated area.
PFS-7.2 Reduce Transmission Facility Fire Hazard Risk
The County shall work with utility companies to modernize and upgrade transmission lines and associated equipment to reduce the risk of fire in areas with a high wildfire hazard risk.
Additional goals, policies, and implementation programs on fire hazards are in Chapter 7, Hazards and Safety Element.
PFS-7.3 Transmission Line Visual Impacts
The County shall work with utility companies to ensure that new gas, electric, cellular mobile communications, cable television, and telephone utility transmission lines use or parallel existing utility rights-of-way, where feasible. When existing right-of-way cannot be used, the County should encourage utility companies to design and locate transmission lines to avoid scenic areas and viewsheds, and to site in a manner that minimizes impacts on community character, the natural environment, and existing development.
PFS-7.5 Broadband Service Access
The County shall encourage broadband service providers to expand service areas and provide high quality access to broadband (high-speed internet) and cellular mobile communications services to residents and businesses, including unserved and underserved areas.