The County shall encourage the development and expansion of businesses that advance social equity, environmental quality, and economic sustainability, as well as capitalize on key industry strengths. Economic sustainability includes planning and preparation for disaster response and long-term resiliency of businesses and economic assets in the county.
EV-4.2 Green Economy
The County shall support the development of industries and businesses that promote and enhance environmental sustainability, greenhouse gas reductions, decarbonization, climate change adaptation, resiliency, and renewable energy generation, storage, and transmission, including solar power, wind power, wave energy and other appropriate renewable sources. The County shall promote the efforts of existing businesses that meet green business criteria; job training in green building techniques and regenerative farming; and strive to build green technologies into and decarbonize existing government buildings and facilities.
EV-2.2 Value-Added Agriculture
The County shall encourage the expansion of value-added agricultural products (e.g., processing, packaging, product development) within Existing Communities, where zoning allows, and on agricultural land consistent with SOAR policies.
EV-1.5 Supporting Tourism
The County shall encourage the development of sustainable and innovative visitor-serving attractions that expand on the tourism market in Ventura County and add to the quality of life for residents. This would include identifying viable locations for new or expanded accommodations in the unincorporated areas of Ventura County and support for ecotourism associated with the Santa Monica Mountains, Los Padres Forest, the Channel Islands, and other natural areas.
EV-1.6 Economic Expansion
The County shall work with local chambers of commerce, countywide economic development organizations, and businesses to support the appropriate expansion of the local economy and job creation, particularly in Existing Communities and unincorporated Urban Areas where zoning allows.
EV-1.7 Supporting Industries Fitting County Needs
The County shall strive to attract industries based on existing and projected workforce demographics, educational attainment, skills, and commute patterns, and which provide opportunities to residents living in designated disadvantaged communities.