The County shall encourage the construction of a bicycle trail along the Santa Paula Branch Line Railroad in the unincorporated area between the cities of Ventura and Santa Paula.
CTM-3.6 Coordination with Bicycle Wayfinding Plan
The County shall support the Complete Streets effort by, when feasible, constructing bicycle lanes on County maintained roads listed in the Ventura County Transportation Commission Bicycle Wayfinding Plan.
CTM-3.5 Bicycle Routes in Rural Areas
The County shall plan for bicycle network connectivity in rural, agricultural, and open space areas in a way that supports and complements business and agricultural activities in those areas.
CTM-2.17 Support Regional Bicycle Infrastructure
The County shall support efforts to improve regional infrastructure that will make biking more attractive to residents and tourists.
LU-17.1 Providing Equitable Public Services
Within designated disadvantaged communities, the County shall consider environmental justice issues as they relate to the equitable provision of public services and infrastructure such as parks, recreational facilities, community gardens, public safety facilities, and other beneficial uses that improve the overall quality of life.