The County shall encourage on-site water reuse for landscape irrigation and groundwater recharge consistent with health standards, to reduce demand for potable water, and increase drought and disaster resiliency.
PFS-4.7 Design to Minimize Inflow/Infiltration
The County shall require that new wastewater lateral and trunk collection lines be designed to allow the minimum feasible amount of inflow and infiltration into the wastewater collection system.
PFS-5.1 Solid Waste Facility Location
The County shall require new landfills and other solid waste processing and disposal facilities (including facilities for composting, green waste, food waste) to be sited in areas that do not pose health and safety risks to residents and groundwater resources. The County shall require such facilities to be located based on objective criteria that do not disproportionally impact Designated Disadvantaged Communities.
PFS-5.2 Land Use Compatibility with Solid Waste Facilities
The County shall review and condition discretionary development near landfills and other solid waste processing and disposal facilities (including facilities for composting, green waste, food waste) to avoid incompatible development and future nuisance complaints from encroachment by incompatible land uses.
PFS-5.3 Solid Waste Capacity
The County shall require evidence that adequate capacity exists within the solid waste system for the processing, recycling, transmission, and disposal of solid waste prior to approving discretionary development.
PFS-5.5 Agricultural Waste Reuse
The County shall support the beneficial reuse of agricultural wastes for activities such as composting and energy generation.